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How will your company promote stress awareness day?

Workplace stress costs companies £300 billion a year. How can you encourage your employees to examine the stress in their lives and reduce its impact?

Workplace stress is said to cost companies $300 billion a year. Although the tech industry is one of the most forward-thinking in terms of offering flexible working hours, many tech employees still work long hours, juggle multiple roles and are under pressure to meet deadlines.

Although everybody experiences stress at work to varying degrees, not enough people talk about it. And when stress builds up over time it affects our energy levels, our relationships, our ability to do our jobs and our mental health.

The first Wednesday in November each year is National Stress Awareness Day. The event is an opportunity for companies and employees to reflect on workplace stress and explore the options for managing it better.

What is stress awareness day?

This year, Stress Awareness Day is on the 7th of November. The day is organised by the International Stress Management Association (ISMA) and this year’s theme is ‘Does Hi-Tech Cause Hi-Stress?’ The national day was created to raise awareness about stress and to provide information on how companies and employees can reduce its effects.

The organisation provides a range of free guides to help employers support their workers in looking after their health and wellbeing.

Why should we get involved?

According to a study carried out by digital healthcare company Forth, 85% of UK adults experience stress regularly. Stress is a response to demands placed on our bodies through work, life, crises and fears. If our stress levels get too high, we can experience physical and mental health problems that can have a serious impact on our daily lives.

Stress Awareness Day gives your company the opportunity to support your employees in managing their stress levels. Studies show that happy employees are 12% more productive at work, take ten times fewer sick days and develop better working relationships.

For some inspiration on getting involved in Stress Awareness Day, take a look at the short video below created during last year’s event by non-profit organisation The Stress Management Society. Based on the theme ‘Speaking up and Speaking Out’, they asked people if they had ever experienced stress and how they communicated it:

How to promote stress awareness day

Employers are invited to promote Stress Awareness Day in any way they can. A good starting point is to take the opportunity to remove as many workplace stresses as possible. Sources of stress vary from company to company, but some positive steps you could take include:

  • Enforcing a strict working hours rule where no-one can arrive before 9am and everyone must leave by 5.30pm
  • Encouraging everyone to take a one-hour lunch break away from their desks
  • Organising a lunch time walk or encouraging people to get outside at various points throughout the day
  • Installing a ping pong, foosball or air hockey table in the office and encouraging people to play during their breaks
  • Holding meditation sessions throughout the day, or arranging for a holistic therapy company to provide relaxing treatments in the office
  • Organise an after-work event to help people de-stress

Some of the biggest tech companies are already providing ways for their employees to de-stress at work. Nike has relaxation rooms, and Apple provides its employees with regular mindfulness training. Google also offers a range of stress reduction classes like Search Inside Yourself and Meditation 101. The company also has a community called gPause that supports meditation and mindfulness.

Whichever way your company decides to promote Stress Awareness Day, it’s important that everyone in your organisation takes the time to examine their own stress levels and takes action to reduce its effects.

Many employers choose to run their own events for the day, whereas others simply go on social media to spread the word. The National Stress Awareness Day website has a programme of events that include online seminars, interactive chats and social media events.

Where to keep up to date with the event…

To find out what other companies have planned for Stress Awareness Day, keep up to date on social media using the hashtag #stressawarenessday. The event is a great opportunity for companies to gather feedback from their employees and address sources of stress in the business.

By choosing to promote Stress Awareness Day, you can help encourage people to examine the stress in their lives and reduce its impact, thus improving their health and wellbeing.